Thursday 4 February 2010

First run (:

Fades from black and shows a clock and zooms out with music playing in the background.
Completely zooms out to show the whole of the school and the film title pops up.
Fades and cuts to the inside of the school whilst the music is still playing.
Fades and cuts to another part of the school whilst displaying actors’ names.
Fades and cuts to another part inside of the school as the music is starting to slow down indicating that it is close to finishing whilst display the final actors’ names.
Pan shot towards the classroom as we hear a character speaking.
Whilst the character is talking it cuts to the rest of the class and shows their reactions as the teacher is talking aloud.
Cuts to a clock and pans down towards the character speaking aloud.
Cuts from character to character to show individual reactions.
Zooms out from clock again to show the character talking aloud.

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